Bundeskartellamt confirms searches at three companies in the steel industry

The Bundeskartellamt confirms that on 28 February 2013 it carried out searches at three companies in the steel industry. The authority followed up the suspicion that companies on the market for the sale of steel strip and semi-finished products have concluded anti-competitive agreements.

The searches were carried out simultaneously at four company sites in Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia. The private residences of persons suspected of involvement in the agreements were also searched.

A total of 19 Bundeskartellamt staff members took part in the searches, assisted by staff from the local criminal investigation departments.

The Bundeskartellamt needs a judicial search warrant to conduct a search. This requires an initial suspicion of a competition law infringement. A search is conducted to clarify facts and by no means implies that the companies and persons concerned are indeed guilty of violating competition law. Until the proceedings are concluded, the presumption of innocence applies. Logo: Offene Märkte | Fairer Wettbewerb

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