Contributions from the German delegation
- Competition Committee: Algorithmic competition – Note by Germany (June 2023)
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: The Future of Effective Leniency Programmes – Note by Germany (June 2023)
- Working Party No. 2: Competition and Professional Sports – Note by Germany (December 2023)
- Competition Committee: Director Disqualification and Bidder Exclusion – Note by Germany (November 2022)
- Competition Committee: Competition and Inflation – Note by Germany (November 2022)
- Competition Committee: The Evolving Concept of Market Power in the Digital Economy – Note by Germany (June 2022)
- Competition Committee: News Media and Digital Platforms - Note by Germany (December 2021)
- Competition Committee: Ex-Ante Regulation and Competition in Digital Markets - Note by Germany (December 2021)
- Working Party No. 3: Competition Compliance Programmes - Note by Germany (June 2021)
- Competition Committee: Abuse of dominance in digital markets – Note by Germany (December 2020)
- Competition Committee: Sustainability and Competition – Note by Germany (December 2020)
- Competition Committee: Consumer data rights and competition – Note by Germany (June 2020)
- Competition Committee: Start-ups, killer acquisitions and merger control – Note by Germany (June 2020)
- Competition Committee: Hub-and-spoke arrangements – Note by Germany (November 2019)
- Working Party No. 3: Access to the case file and protection of confidential information – Note by Germany (November 2019)
- Competition Committee: Vertical mergers in the technology, media and telecom sector - Note by Germany (June 2019)
- Working Party No. 3: The standard of review by courts in competition cases - Note by Germany (June 2019)
- Competition Committee: Suspensory Effects of Merger Notifications and Gun Jumping - Note by Germany (November 2018)
- Competition Committee: Quality considerations in the zero-price economy – Note by Germany (November 2018)
- Competition Committee: Implications of E-commerce for Competition Policy - Note by Germany (June 2018)
- Competition Committee: Effects of Mergers - Note by Germany (June 2018)
- Competition Committee: Common ownership by institutional investors and its impact on competition (December 2017)
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Safe Harbours and Legal Presumptions in Competition Law (December 2017)
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Roundtable on the Extraterritorial Reach of Competition Remedies (December 2017)
- Competition Committee: Hearing on multi-sided markets. Sebastian Wismer & Arno Rasek - Market definition in multi-sided markets (June 2017)
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Methodologies to conduct market studies (June 2017)
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Agency decision-making in merger cases: trade-offs between prohibition decisions and conditional clearances (November 2016)
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Public Interest Considerations in Merger Control (June 2016)
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Jurisdictional Nexus in Merger Control Regimes (June 2016)
- Competition Committee: Hearing on Across Platform Parity Agreements (October 2015)
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Relationship between Public and Private Antitrust Enforcement (June 2015)
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Competitive Neutrality in Competition Enforcement (June 2015)
- Competition Committee: Use of Markers in Leniency Programs (December 2014)
- Competition Committee: Intellectual Property and Standard Setting (December 2014)
- Competition Committee: Airline Competition (June 2014)
- Global Forum on Competition: Competition Issues in the Distribution of Pharmaceuticals (February 2014)
- Competition Committee: Investigations of Consummated and non-notifiable Mergers (February 2014)
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Competition Issues in the Food Chain Industry
- Working Party No. 2 on Competition and Regulation: Waste Management Services
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Vertical Restraints for On-Line Sales
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Definition of Transaction for the Purpose of Merger Control Review
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Competition in Road Fuel
- Working Party No. 2 on Competition and Regulation: Competition in Hospital Services
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Unilateral Disclosure of Information with Anticompetitive Effects (e.g. through Press Announcements)
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Market Definition
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Discussion on Leniency for Subsequent Applicants
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on the Role of Efficiency Claims in Antitrust Proceedings
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Economic Evidence in Merger Analysis
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on the Quantification of Harm to Competition by National Courts and Competition Agencies
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Promoting Compliance with Competition Law
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Remedies in Merger Cases
- Working Party No. 2 on Competition and Regulation: Excessive Prices
- Working Party No. 2 on Competition and Regulation: Competition concerns in ports and port services
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Institutional and procedural aspects of the relationship between competition authorities and courts
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Roundtable in Procedural Fairness: Transparency Issues in Civil and Administrative Proceedings
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Competition, Concentration and Stability in the Banking Sector
- Global Forum in Competition: Collusion and Corruption in Public Procurement
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Procedural Fairness Issues in Civil and Administrative Enforcement
- Working Party No. 2 on Competition and Regulation: Standard Setting
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Competition and Sports
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Information Exchanges between Competitors under Competition Law
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Horizontal Agreements in the Environmental Context
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Roundtable on the Standard for Merger Review, with a particular Emphasis on Country Experience with the Change of Merger Review Standard from the Dominance Test to the SLC/SIEC Test
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Competition, Patents and Innovation
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Two-Sided Markets
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Failing Firm Defence
- Competition Committee: Competition Policy for Vertical Relations in Gasoline Retailing
- Working Party No. 2 on Competition and Regulation: Margin Squeeze
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Roundtable on the Application of Antitrust Law to State-Owned Enterprises
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Resale Price Maintenance
- Competition Committee: Experience with Direct Settlements in Cartel Cases
- Competition Committee: Monopsy and Buyer Power
- Competition Committee: Taxi Services. Regulation and Competition
- Competition Committee: Potential Pro-Competitive and Anti-Competitive Aspects of Trade/Business Associations
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Antitrust Issues Involving Minority Shareholding and Interlocking Directorates
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Techniques for Presenting Complex Economic Analysis to Judges
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Competition in the Construction Industry
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Vertical Mergers
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Energy Security and Competition Policy
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Public Procurement - The Role of Competition Authorities in Promoting Competition
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Dynamic Efficiencies in Merger Analysis
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Refusals to Deal
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Remedies and Sanctions in Abuse of Dominance Cases
- Competition Committee: Competition on the Merits
- Competition Committee: Competition and Regulation in Agriculture: Monopsony Buying and Joint Selling
- Competition Committee: Barriers to Entry
- Working Party No. 2 on Competition and Regulation: Roundtable on Ensuring Access to Key Capacity for New Entrants
- Working Party No. 2 on Competition and Regulation: Roundtable on Competition and Efficient Usage of Payment Cards
- Competition Committee: Environmental Regulation and Competition
- Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement: Plea Bargainung / Settlement of Cartel Cases
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Competition in Bidding Markets
- Competition Committee: Competition in the Provision of Hospital Services
- Competition Committee: Structural Reform in the Rail Industry
- Competition Committee: Roundtable on Resale Below Cost Laws and Regulations
- Competition Committee: Enhancing Beneficial Competition in the Health Professions