The Bundeskartellamt

The Bundeskartellamt protects free and fair competition in Germany. Competition is the cornerstone of our social market economy. It encourages businesses to do better and make an effort to win over customers, driving innovation and stimulating the economy. Effective competition leads to lower prices, better quality and a constant stream of new ideas. It also limits the power of individual companies. But the ingenious principle of competition is fragile and needs to be protected ...


Latest news

Ongoing district heating proceedings – suspicion of unlawful price adjustment clauses substantiated


Bundeskartellamt examines significant malfunctioning of competition in the wholesale of fuels – first proceeding based on new competition tool


Changes in heads of decision divisions


The Bundeskartellamt has cleared the indirect acquisition of Uckermärker Milch GmbH by EDEKA ZENTRALE Stiftung & Co. KG


Merger proceeding JenaValve/Edwards discontinued


Competition conditions in the refining and wholesale of fuels – Bundeskartellamt presents final report on its sector inquiry


Bundeskartellamt clears takeover of SiNN GmbH by the Peek & Cloppenburg group (Düsseldorf)


Bundeskartellamt has concerns about the current form of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency Framework (ATTF)


Sonic Healthcare can acquire the medical laboratory group LADR Dr. Kramer & Kollegen


Joint venture between Rheinmetall and Leonardo cleared


Bundeskartellamt clears HUK’s acquisition of the pitstop vehicle repair chain


Bundeskartellamt clears acquisition of Altair Engineering by Siemens



About us

The Bundeskartellamt, which is based in Bonn, is the most important competition authority in Germany. It is an independent higher federal authority assigned to the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.

Why is competition important? When was the Bundeskartellamt established and what is the legal framework for its work?

Blick von oben auf Holzrädchen, die ineinander greifen und von einer Gruppe Menschen gehalten werden.
Source:Adobe Stock/Blue Planet Studio

President & Vice President

The Bundeskartellamt is headed by President Andreas Mundt, who assumed office in 2009, and Vice President Prof. Dr Konrad Ost.

Foto von Andreas Mundt, Präsident des Bundeskartellamts
Source:Bundeskartellamt/Bernd Lammel

Tasks & organisational structure

One of the Bundeskartellamt’s main tasks is to enforce the ban on cartels, that is the prohibition to conclude illegal agreements. But the Bundeskartellamt also has many other tasks that help ensure effective protection of competition.

What are those tasks and how is the Bundeskartellamt structured?

Ein Netz aus virtuellen Benutzerprofilköpfen

International work

Globalisation is pushing markets closer together and businesses are becoming more international. For this reason, the Bundeskartellamt cooperates closely with competition authorities all over the world, and in particular in the European Union.

What does this international cooperation look like in practice? Who is in charge of which matters and which institutions and organisations are important?

Fahnen verschiedener Länder vor blauem Himmel


The Bundeskartellamt also promotes recognition of the principle of competition by hosting conferences and events on topics of competition law and competition economics. At these events practitioners and academics from all over the world come together and exchange views on fundamental and topical issues of competition law.

Person hält Vortrag vor sitzendem Publikum.

Legislation & further documents

Legislation and further documents can be found here ...

Ein aufgeklappter Gesetzestext auf einem Tisch
Source:AdobeStock/Ingo Bartussek

Frequently asked questions ...

How do we define competition?

Competition means that several companies compete with one another for customers. Customers can switch to another company offering comparable services at a better price or at better conditions.

Why is competition important?

Competition ensures that companies have to try to win customers by offering cheaper prices, better quality or more innovative products than their competitors. Competition therefore benefits consumers.

Does competition simply occur by itself?

No, not necessarily. Companies could try to eliminate competition by agreeing on prices with their competitors or acquiring a competitor.

How is competition protected?

The Bundeskartellamt acts as a kind of referee in the social market economy. It protects free and fair competition with various tools, in particular cartel prosecution, merger control and abuse control.