Current contents of the Federal Cartel Office

Bundeskartellamt imposes fine against Fritz! brand products manufacturer AVM

The Bundeskartellamt has imposed fines totalling nearly 16 million euros on AVM Computersysteme Vertriebs GmbH and one staff responsible at AVM on account of vertical price fixing with six electronics retailers. AVM is a German company manufacturing telecommunications and network technology products.

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Person tippt auf Laptop. Wifi-Zeichen in der Mitte.

Bundeskartellamt presents its Annual Report for 2023/24

Today, the President of the Bundeskartellamt, Andreas Mundt, presented the authority’s “2023/24 Annual Report”.

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Mehrere Jahresberichte aufeinanderliegend, blaues Cover

Scoring in the online retail sector – Bundeskartellamt identifies consumer rights issues and provides recommendations

The Bundeskartellamt has today presented the final report on its sector inquiry “Scoring in the online retail sector” focussing on consumer rights.

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Man kauft mit seiner Kreditkarte und seinem Laptop im Internet ein
Source:Adobe Stock / joyfotoliakid

Thermo Fisher Scientific can acquire Olink

The Bundeskartellamt has cleared plans by Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., USA, to acquire Olink Holding AB (publ), Sweden, a global biotechnology company.

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blonde Frau hält Pimpete in die Luft, links Massenspektrometer, rechts Computer und Drucker

Bundeskartellamt tolerates the launch of the “Automotive Licensing Negotiation Group"

BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Thyssenkrupp and VW may negotiate jointly for the acquisition of certain technology licences.

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Großstadt im Hintergrund, im Vordergrund ein Kreis in dem Patent steht. Von ihm gehen vier weiße Linien ab, an denen kleinere Kreise sind. Darin sind Symbolbilder zum Thema Patent.
Source:Adobe Stock/Tierney

Latest news

GlaxoSmithKline can acquire rights to CureVac’s COVID and influenza vaccines


New EU report: A boost for competition enforcement in Germany


Bundeskartellamt imposes fine against Fritz! brand products manufacturer AVM


Theo Steil GmbH & CoKG can acquire Rhein Main Rohstoffe GmbH in Frankfurt am Main


Nordwest-Medien and DK Medien can set up joint venture


Bundeskartellamt presents its Annual Report for 2023/24


Restructuring of SAS airline – Air France-KLM, Castlelake and Kingdom of Denmark can acquire minority shareholdings


Scoring in the online retail sector – Bundeskartellamt identifies consumer rights issues and provides recommendations


Thermo Fisher Scientific can acquire Olink


Duisport and thyssenkrupp Steel Logistics can set up joint venture


BMW, Mercedes, Thyssenkrupp and VW can negotiate jointly for the acquisition of certain technology licences


Land Berlin can acquire around 4,500 flats and 40 hectares of undeveloped land from Vonovia


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