Changes in heads of decision divisions


The following changes apply from 1 March 2025:

  • Eva-Maria Schulze (former Head of the 5th Decision Division) will take over as Head of the 1st Public Procurement Tribunal.
  • Christian Ewald will become Head of the 5th Decision Division. On an interim basis, he will act in a dual capacity and also continue as Head of the 8th Decision Division.

 The Bundeskartellamt’s sector-specific decision divisions are responsible under competition law for merger control and abuse control proceedings and, either ex officio or upon application, for other administrative proceedings, including sector inquiries. The 10th and the 12th Decision Divisions are in charge of prosecuting cartel offences in all sectors. The Public Procurement Tribunals are responsible for reviewing the award of public contracts.

 The Bundeskartellamt’s current organisation chart