Bundeskartellamt investigates liquid gas companies – search conducted on 3 May 2005


In a nationwide operation the Bundeskartellamt today conducted a search of companies in the liquid gas sector. The search, in which the Bundeskartellamt was assisted by the competent land criminal investigation offices, was carried out at a total of 12 sites in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Saxony. The affected markets are those for tank and bottled gas. This was confirmed by the Bundeskartellamt in response to enquiries in this regard. However, the names of the companies concerned were not disclosed.

Statement by the President of the Bundeskartellamt, Ulf Böge: “The Bundeskartellamt is following up suspicions that companies in the liquid gas sector have been involved in collusive practices for years and have concluded customer protection agreements which are prohibited under Sec 1 of the Act against Restraints of Competition (ARC). The companies are said to have promised to respect each other’s established customer bases.”

The Bundeskartellamt has received complaints from consumers who have tried in vain to find a new supplier following drastic price increases. The Bundeskartellamt has only recently uncovered a similar restraint of competition in the insurance sector restricting the change to another supplier and has issued administrative orders imposing fines.

With regard to further investigations the Bundeskartellamt calls on end customers which have faced difficulties changing supplier to write to the following address giving details of their previous supplier and all further suppliers which have refused to submit an alternative offer:

Kennwort: Flüssiggas
Kaiser-Friedrich-Str. 16
53113 Bonn