Andreas Mundt becomes the new Chair of the International Competition Network


Yesterday the Bundeskartellamt's President, Andreas Mundt, was elected as the new Steering Group Chair of the International Competition Network (ICN). He follows Eduardo Pérez Motta, the Head of the Mexican Federal Competition Commission.

The ICN is the most important international association of competition authorities worldwide. Currently, it is composed of 126 national and multinational competition authorities (including e.g. the European Commission). Its core functions are to promote the exchange of antitrust experience and best practices, strengthen the advocacy role of competition authorities and facilitate international cooperation.

Andreas Mundt: "It is a great honour for me to become the new Chair of the ICN. I have known the network since it was founded in 2001. Since then it has grown tremendously. This is true not only of its ever growing membership, but also of the increasing recognition of its work products. With the support of the two Vice Chairs, my highly esteemed colleagues Bruno Lasserre, President of the French Autorité de la concurrence, and Vinicius Marques de Carvalho, President of the Brasilian Administrative Council for Economic Defense, I intend to further enhance the practical significance of the ICN in the coming years."

Further information about the ICN and the new Chair's vision statement can be found at Logo: Offene Märkte | Fairer Wettbewerb