Bundeskartellamt launches sector inquiry into household waste management
The Bundeskartellamt has launched an inquiry into the household waste collection sector. The sector inquiry will focus on the competition conditions on the regional markets for the collection and transport of household waste.
Andreas Mundt, President of Bundeskartellamt: ”For some time now, we have been witnessing increased concentration on the waste disposal markets and a declining participation in tenders for waste collection and disposal contracts in many regions. Small and medium-sized enterprises in particular seem to be more and more reluctant to participate in such tenders. The sector inquiry will in particular investigate the competition conditions in tenders issued by compliance schemes and by municipalities. We will look into anything that suggests that competition is being restricted in these areas."
The findings of the sector inquiry will be published in a report.
The Bundeskartellamt may conduct a sector inquiry if specific circumstances suggest that competition in a sector may be restricted or distorted. Sector inquiries are not proceedings against specific companies but take a look at a sector as a whole.