In-depth examination of Edeka’s proposed acquisition of Real stores


The Bundeskartellamt has today begun an in-depth examination of the acquisition by Edeka Zentrale AG & Co. KG of 87 Real stores from Redos Real Estate GmbH as further investigations into the sales and procurement markets are necessary. Following the initiation of second phase proceedings, the time-limit for examination of the Edeka/Redos merger will now run until 28 February 2020.

Shortly after receiving the merger notification on 28 October the Bundeskartellamt sent out official requests for information to companies in the food retail trade in order to examine the current market situation in Germany. The authority extended its scope of investigation to include all 277 Real stores in order to collect the necessary data for any proposed acquisitions by further acquiring companies.

On 15 November 2019 Tegut GmbH & Co. KG notified the Bundeskartellamt of its plans to acquire seven Real stores from Redos. However, as this notification is still incomplete, the time-limit for this proceeding has not yet begun to run. On 21 November 2019 Georg Jos. Kaes GmbH, which also operates food retail stores in Bavaria under the V-Markt brand, also notified the Bundeskartellamt of its proposed acquisition of seven Real stores.

The Bundeskartellamt shall not provide any further information on the individual Real stores which are the subject of the respective merger control proceedings.